Vanessa Turnbull-Roberts

Vanessa Turnbull-Roberts

Bundjalung Widubul-Wiabul | Human Rights Lawyer, and advocate

‘‘As Indigenous people, our longstanding solidarity against oppression across all groups has always been present. I had the privilege to personally visit Palestine, and what I witnessed upon my arrival was deeply troubling - racism, segregation, and violence against Palestinian elders and communities.

This experience made me realise that the treatment of Palestinians on the ground is fundamentally harmful. It is through speaking out for justice and showing solidarity that we can bring about change. We must believe that a better world is possible, where Palestine is free.

The targeting of children and young people is unacceptable in any world. My advocacy in this world has always been for our little ones and their futures. The future of Palestinian children and young people matters greatly.

If you are unsure about taking action or have not yet learned about the history, I encourage you to reach out. As a collective, we are always open to learning and unlearning, as our ancestors have taught us.

There is no shame in seeking more information.

Supporting Palestine does not mean being against the Jewish people or their community. In fact, the Jewish community has shown incredible strength in standing up for Palestine. The Jewish way is to advocate against human rights violations and stand for community, which I have personally witnessed.

It is important not to confuse this, as it is Zionism and the settler project undertaking the violence.

Taking a stand is crucial, as remaining silent only hinders progress. A permanent ceasefire, the right of return, land restitution, and freedom for present and future Palestine are imperative, including justice for the lives already lost.”


Sissy Austin


Laura Murphy-Oates