Media Release

First Nations 'leaders' comment and support of the Israeli governments genocide of Palestinians.

5 April 2024

Blackfullas for Palestine, a digital project amplifying Blackfullas solidarity with Palestine, expresses profound disappointment and concern over recent statements and actions taken by noted First Nations ‘leaders’, Ms Nova Peris, Mr Sean Gordon, and Ms Marcia Langton, regarding the ongoing genocide in Gaza. Over the past six months, these ‘leaders’ have publicly supported the Israeli government's actions in Gaza, actions that have been widely condemned internationally and are currently under scrutiny by the International Court of Justice. 

Ms Peris and Mr Gordon’s recent visits to Israel and Ms Peris, Mr Gordon, Ms Langtons comments made to News Corp have intensified our concerns, demonstrating a disconnect with the First Nations community in Australia, which stands in solidarity with the Palestinian people in Gaza facing a genocide.

The recent tragic death involving Zomi Frankcom, an Australian aid worker in Gaza who was killed by Israeli forces, has only added to the urgency of our stance. 

Ms Peris commented on her Facebook page “She [Zomi] wouldn’t be worried about the hostages, just another lowlife terrorists sympathiser” 

Comments attributed to Ms. Peris regarding Ms. Frankcom's tragic death has been particularly distressing, reflecting a lack of empathy and understanding unbecoming of our community's leaders.

Blackfullas for Palestine wishes to remind our community human rights transcends borders. The comments and actions of Ms. Peris, Mr. Gordon, and Ms. Langton not only undermines the global fight against oppression but also betrays the core values of First Nations peoples' long standing battle for freedom and justice.

We call upon First Nations communities to join us in condemning these actions and to continue amplifying Palestinian people’s advocacy and self-determination. It is crucial, now more than ever, that our leaders reflect the values of empathy, solidarity, and justice that our communities stand for.  

Blackfullas for Palestine remains committed to the fight for justice and human rights for Palestinians and for oppressed communities everywhere. We believe in leadership that stands firm on the principles of human dignity and rights for all, and we will continue to hold those in positions of power and influence accountable to these principles. 

“From the river to the sea, Always was always will be”