Stacie Nicholson-Piper

Stacie Nicholson-Piper

Wurundjeri, Dja Dja Wurrung & Ngurai Illum-Wurrung | Curator, Facilitator and Dancer

‘‘Many years ago I heard the expression ‘the standard you allow for others is the standard your allow for yourselves’ which for me says that no matter who we are or where we come from, we have to stand for human rights, and in this situation stand for those being brutally murdered in front of our eyes.

The media and the powers that be paints a picture of ‘if you stand for Palestine you are against Jewish people’ and that if we stand for innocent Palestinians, that we support terrorism. This is not at all true, we stand for Peace, Justice and Freedom.

Children to live their lives without fear. What we are seeing is horrific and not a standard acceptable for anyone on this planet.”


Benny Clark


Jada Alberts