Ethan James Lyons

Ethan James Lyons

Wiradjuri | Student, Community Organiser & Writer

‘‘Blakfulla-Palestinian solidarity is boundless. We share similarities not only in our struggle against settler colonialism but also in our cultures and histories, and thats what sustains our struggle together.

On one hand, we share a common understanding of the beauty of our land, the stories and traditions it holds and also the sacrifices we make to protect these things. On the other, we know the lengths that Western imperialism will go to slaughter, bombard and dispossess us to take our land and culture.

To see struggle is to see what has been taken - I see my deep connection to land and culture, the same way Palestinians do and that’s all I need to know to visualise and join the struggle against the settler states who try to strip this from us.”


Alice Skye


Sissy Austin