Dr. Amy McQuire

Dr. Amy McQuire

Darumbal & South Sea Islander | Journalist and Writer

‘‘Black-Palestinian solidarity has been long and ongoing. It exists because of our shared histories as Indigenous peoples. We look over to what’s happening in Palestine and we see a similar story, but what’s happening now [since October 7 2023] is totally unprecedented. It’s so important that we as Indigenous people continue to make known that we stand with Palestinians, especially in this time when there’s genocide and ethnic cleansing – because that’s what happened on the Queensland frontier. We have to make our voices strong and proud and stand in solidarity.

“The racism we saw in the referendum we are seeing reflected in the current day dehumanisation of Palestinian people. The original racism is settler-colonial, it is about entrenching white supremacy over this land, so wherever you go, we have these shared connections and experiences.

We have to continue to call out media silencing of Blackfullas and Palestinians. This silence reproduces violence upon the bodies of the most vulnerable. It’s important that all of us raise our voices and contest media silencing and media dehumanisation. Show up, stand with BDS, come to the streets, do everything you can.”


Luke Pearson


Mykaela Saunders